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"If I'm not gaining weight then why does this digital image take up 3MB more memory than a comparable one taken six months ago?"
"I see that you're still collecting scraps for your quilting projects."
"By the way, I quilted this hood myself." "Stop it! You didn't! What is that, a blanket stitch?"
"If it's any consolation, you hemmed the length on this leg perfectly."
"Maybe a shower curtain wasn't the best thing to try and make into an evening dress."
"Sorry, counselor. You can 'check', 'fold', 'call', 'bet', or 'raise'. You can't 'sue'."
(After 9 years of dating a word search fanatic, Darlene creates her own word search puzzle) "How are you doing? Are you getting' any of these?"
"Can't you wait until after the reception to examine the stitching?"