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"I knew this trip would upset my asthma!"
"Mr Gould's asthma is bothering him again. He says there's too much dust, mold, and nit-picking in the air."
"I am being mindful about food and my eating. That's how I know you've got 3 more chips on your plate than I do."
"This Glycemic Index Diet should work as long as my Looks So Good Gotta Have It Index doesn't kick in."
"It's the gluten-free edition."
"I think my family's finally accepted my new way of cooking. I've eliminated all of the gluten, some of the fat, and most of the sarcasm."
"It's like any other pacemaker, but it comes with an internal iPod docking accessory."
(Mona managed a workout wherever she went. Mailing a letter. At the Mall. Grocery shopping. Doing the laundry.)